Do you know God?

Sometimes God dramatically interrupts our lives to get through to us. But other times, His work is slow and subtle as He patiently leads us to a place of readiness to obey Him. If God is speaking to you in the quiet of your heart and you haven't already received His gift of salvation, don't wait for an unusual event to occur. He is ready to welcome you now, just as you are, wherever you find yourself. There is only one path to life with God and eternity in His presence: Repent of your sins, confess your belief that Jesus is the Son of God, and receive Him as Savior. You can use the following prayer or your own words. ----> Lord Jesus, I believe You are truly the Son of God. I confess that I have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed. Please forgive all my wrongdoing, and let me live in relationship with You from now on. I receive You as my personal Savior, accepting the work You accomplished on my behalf once and for all on the cross. Thank You for saving me. Help me to live a life that is pleasing to You. In Your name we pray, Amen.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

​Examples Of Not Giving Glory

1. "Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened" (Romans 1:21).

2. "And she named the child Ichabod, saying, The glory is departed from Israel: because the ark of God was taken, and because of her father in law and her husband. And she said, The glory is departed from Israel: for the ark of God is taken" (I Samuel 4:21-22).

3. "And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them. And the people gave a shout, saying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man. And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost" (Acts 12:21-23).

4. "At the end of twelve months he walked in the palace of the kingdom of Babylon. The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty? While the word was in the king's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee. And they shall drive thee from men,and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field: they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, until thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will. The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles' feathers, and his nails like birds' claws" (Daniel 4:29-33).

(All this came upon the king Nebuchadnezzar.) (He lived in the wilderness for seven years as a wild animal. We either humble ourselves or become humiliated.)

HOWEVER: He humbled himself and came to glorify God.

"And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honoured Him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom is to generation: And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and He doeth according to His will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay His hand, or say unto Him,What doest thou? At the same time my reason returned unto me; and for the glory of my kingdom, mine honour and brightness returned unto me; and my counsellors and my lords sought unto me; and I was established in my kingdom, and excellent majesty was added unto me. Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and His ways judgment: and those that walk in pride He is able to abase"(Daniel 4:34-37).

Notice the words that Nebuchadnezzar used:

1. He blessed the most High.

2. He praised and honored him.

3. He praised and extolled and honored the King of heaven.

When He glorified God, the glory of God returned to him.

1. His understanding returned to him.

2. His reason returned to him.

3. The glory of his kingdom was restored.

4. His honor and brightness was restored.

5. He counselors sought him out.

6. His kingdom was established.

7. Excellent majesty was added.

We must ask ourselves:

Do I glorify God? 

Do I glorify God in my work and with my time? Do I glorify God in my conversations in what I say? Do I glorify God is what I read and in what I watch? Do I glorify God in what I eat or what I wear?

Remember:  "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).